fracture article

SMS has a new article with tips and tricks for fracturability testing. The article showcases the wide range of tests that the TA.XTPlus family of texture analyzers can perform using fixtures such as the Three Point Bend Rig and the Crisp Fracture Support Rig. Basic cylinder probes can also be used for assessing tablet fracturability in a Diametral Crushing Test.

Fracturability describes how a material fractures, crumbles, cracks, shatters, or fails when a relatively small amount of force is applied. It is often described as crumbliness, crispiness, crunchiness and brittleness and applies to products with a high degree of hardness and low degree of cohesiveness. Baked goods, snacks, and generally “dry” products are just a few examples of products that exhibit “fracturability” characteristics.

This article offers some great tips and tricks for getting started with testing fracturability but is just a small snapshot of what our team can share with you. If you are testing for fracturability please contact your regional manager for more in-depth insights and advice. Our team has many years of experience testing a wide variety of products and we would be thrilled to help you.

To request a copy of this article, please contact your regional manager.

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