
Foams are used for thousands of different applications and can be very complex, with highly varied degrees of firmness, resilience, relaxation, creep, and fatigue behaviors. We frequently receive requests for assistance in understanding how to test the physical properties of a variety of foams. 

We’ve developed three new application studies to help anyone who is interested in testing foam products:

Stress/Strain Resilience of Foam Application Study: This application study introduces a few additional metrics that can be extracted from a simple compression test. The tests were conducted on sample packs that were purchased from an online supplier.

Relaxation and Creep Recovery of Foam Application Study: This study introduces several new metrics that can be extracted from a customized relaxation and creep recovery test.

Foam Fatigue and Cycle Testing Application Study: This study builds on the “Foam Stress Strain Resilience” and the “Foam Relaxation and Creep Recovery” applications and introduces additional fatigue metrics.

Request these application studies via our Application Study Request Form or contact your regional manager.

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