Medical Devices

Medical Devices and Bio-materials are the future of medicine and drug delivery.

We've been testing devices for unique properties from concept through production.

We have provided the medical devices industry and the bio-materials industry with best-in-class Texture Analyzers for the last twenty years. SMS’ TA.XTPlus Texture Analyzer is extremely flexible which allows it to be programmed to discern the subtle and critical behaviors that make your products successful. The instrument is calibratable, extraordinarily precise and repeatable – especially critical requirements for testing medical devices and biomaterials.

The TA.XTPlus, The TA.XTPlus100, and TA.HDPlus Texture Analyzers are simple to calibrate and easy to validate, offering researchers and engineers more than traditional test methods. The Exponent software has an Enhanced Security Module to help comply toward Chapter 21 Part 11 validation requirements. Other firms focus on backward focused standard methods – we can do that – but the special attributes and behaviors that you building into your devices and biomaterials will almost certainly require custom testing protocols. That is where our instruments and experience shines.

Standard test methods only go so far and only illuminate the narrow road you are travelling on. Our instruments go farther and show you behaviors that are off the standard path. Use the knowledge we provide to improve your products.

Calibratable & Repeatable. Texture Technologies provides instruments that are designed to precisely measure the physical behaviors of devices. The calibrated results are so precise that even very subtle differences in behaviors can be quantified.

Flexible enough to model custom behaviors. Standard test methods work well for the classic medical devices (hips, knees, dental implants, etc) but most new medical devices are small and have unique geometries that do not lend themselves to being tested with those methods. That is where SMS' TA.XTPlus and its flexibility comes in. Our methods are extremely customizable and can be deployed over hundreds of thousands (or millions) of cycles.

Additional Data Channels. SMS' TA.XTPlus can capture voltage, acoustics or video in perfect synchronization with force, distance and time data streams. That capability allows manufacturers to quickly learn a great deal about the performance of their products.

"I've participated in the purchase and installation of TTC tensile testing equipment on two separate occasions. Each time TTC has provided excellent customer support accelerating our IQ/OQ and test method validation activities."

Senior Engineer of a Global Medical Device Company

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