
Researchers have discovered a mathematical shortcut for predicting bread loaf volume. Using this mathematical model, wheat breeders can assess which varieties are ideal for bread-making.

During her research as a doctoral student at South Dakota University, Dr. Julie Kindelspire discovered a correlation between dough’s ability to stretch and the stability of the walls of the gas-filled bubbles.

“I found a relationship between dough extensibility and how it relates to strain hardening,” she said. “A higher strain hardening index is better for loaf volume.”

Dr. Kindelspire used the TA.XTPlus extensively in her research to measure and analyze the properties of various doughs.

Dr. Kindelspire and her research team will receive the Texture Technologies Quality Award for best paper at the AACC International’’s annual meeting Oct. 23-26, 2016 in Savannah, GA.

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