Face Mask Adhesion




Attributes measured:



bonding force


Face masks are a popular skincare product designed to deliver a solution directly to the face so that it can be absorbed by the skin. Masks are applied by gently smoothing them to match face contours and then pressed into place to ensure that they are adequately adhered. Masks are generally left on for approximately 15 to 20 minutes. Less adhesive masks are prone to peeling or sliding/shearing which negatively impacts the mask’s convenience and effectiveness (duration of application). In this study the adhesion of three different brands of hydrating facial masks was tested with the TA.XTPlus, Exponent Software, and TA-11 1” acrylic probe. Samples included Garnier Moisture Bomb Face Mask, Burt’s Bees Hydrating Face Mask, and a generic Beauty 360 Hydrating Face Mask.